Changyangpanshan Hotel

Hotel show
2019/01/21 14:27
Changyang Panshan Hotel is located at Xingcheng 2nd Road, Jinyangkou, Changyang County, about 4 kilometers away from Qingjiang Gallery, a national 5A scenic spot. With a total construction area of 3,500 square meters and a large parking lot of nearly 5,000 square meters, the hotel has a reception desk and a restaurant on the first floor, which can accommodate 150 people at the same time. The second floor has a variety of standard rooms. The hotel offers free parking and free WIFI. Dear customers, the staff of Pangshan Hotel will make you feel like a fisherman with "excellent energy, excellent service and comfortable environment"!

Changyangpanshan Hotel

Changyang Panshan Hotel is located at Xingcheng 2nd Road, Jinyangkou, Changyang County, about 4 kilometers away from Qingjiang Gallery, a national 5A scenic spot. With a total construction area of 3,500 square meters and a large parking lot of nearly 5,000 square meters, the hotel has a reception desk and a restaurant on the first floor, which can accommodate 150 people at the same time. The second floor has a variety of standard rooms. The hotel offers free parking and free WIFI. Dear customers, the staff of Pangshan Hotel will make you feel like a fisherman with "excellent energy, excellent service and comfortable environment"!
Hotel facilities 
Free parking
Free toiletries (6 or more)
Free toiletries (within 6)
Free newspaper
Phone 0717-5900666 Fax 0717-5901088
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